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Much of the research cited is from US government studies as well as universities (and there are plenty of citations and footnotes for those who want to go to the source). The author is clearly very well educated on the subject, and his experience in nursing and drug counseling are a real plus, adding to my confidence. What is the best brand of CBD oil? - Quora There are many great brands out there, but there are more in the range of no so great to bad. It can be very confusing but using the following criteria will land you a high-quality product. CBD Öl Guide: Das musst Du zu Cannabisöl wissen | CBD360 Dabei verwandelt sich THCA in THC und CBDA in CBD. Jetzt musst Du Blume und Blätter in Olivenöl eintauchen, anschließend sieben, abseihen und das Öl von den Resten des Krauts trennen. Das Endprodukt – ob CBD- oder THC-dominant – ist verderblich und sollte an einem kühlen, dunklen Ort gelagert werden, damit es nicht ranzig wird.

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